
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami

75 Albert Street, Suite 1101, Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7

Phone: 1-613-238-8181

Toll-Free (Canada): 1-866-262-8181

Inuit-Specific Online Learning Resources: examples include learning Inuktitut language, children's books in Inuktitut.

Indigenous-Specific: Y/N


Download Early Years Handbook resource

Uqausivut Culture and Language resources

Indigenous-Specific: Yes

Inuuqatigiit - Inuit Cultural Online Resources

224 & 230 McArthur Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1L 6P5


Online resource for Canadian school age children to learn about Inuit culture and what it means to be Inuit. Examples include watching videos on how to make Bannock a traditional Inuit bread, watch Inuit games, Inuit drumming, DIY bone and stick game etc.

Indigenous-Specific: Yes

Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada

1 Nicholas Street, Suite 520 Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7


Toll Free: 1-800-667-0749

Pauktuutit is the national representative organization of Inuit women in Canada. Resources for Inuit-identified individuals.

Topics include -

Violence and abuse prevention: children & youth, gender-based violence, residential schools, shelters and transitional housing, Sivummuatsiarniq: An Urban Resource Guide for Inuit Women), health, social and economic development.

Health: Cancer, FASD, Maternal health, Hepatitis C, Sexual Health, Tobacco Cessation, COVID-19, Cannabis in our Communities.

Social and Economic Development: housing, food security, political equality and leadership, early learning and childcare, economic independence, social development.

Indigenous-Specific: Yes

Tungasuvvingat Inuit

Corporate Headquarters:

1071 Richmond Road, Ottawa, ON


Inuit Child First Initiative: For all Inuit children in Canada (must be recognized by an Inuit land claim organization in Canada and they must be under the age of majority in their province/territory of residence). Ensures Inuit children (ages 0-18) have access to the essential government funded health, social and educational products, services and supports they need, when they need them

Urban Inuit Knowledge Centre: online resource center; collection of urban Inuit teachings, conversations and observations for urban Inuit across Ontario

Additional resources section on topics related to COVID-19, culture, healing & wellness, education & employment, housing, and justice.

Indigenous-Specific: Yes